Summary: “System of public administration is one of the most important issues addressed under Afghanistan’s Constitution. Seven articles of Chapter Eight of 2004 Constitution lay down the basic structure and model of public administration in Afghanistan. However, study of organization of public administration in Afghanistan reveals that some of the constitutionally-mandated administrative institutions are not yet established, and the current system of public administrations often diverge from the constitutional model in significant ways. In addition to the gap between the constitutional model of public administration and the de facto administrative system of Afghanistan…”—(page ix).
Constitutions – Afghanistan Constitutional law – Afghanistan.
Pamphlet KNF2064. / A963 / 2018
Library of Congress Classification / Map
(Issues paper)
“December 2018”.
“دافغانستان اساسي قانون = قانون اساسی افغانستان”—cover page.
“Funded by and through partnership with USIP”—title page.