Summary: “The year 2014 has also been marked as the year Afghanistan underwent its first democratic transition of national government, despite the long period of uncertainty following the two inconclusive rounds of presidential elections the data for this monitoring report were collected from May 2014 to August 2014, coinciding with the period following the first round of presidential (and provincial council) elections and during the second round of presidential elections. The concerns about the…”—(page 8).
Women Afghanistan. Women’s rights Afghanistan. Peace-building Afghanistan. Women's rights History. Afghanistan Community development Afghanistan. Women Political activity Afghanistan.
,Afghanistan -- Politics and government -- 2001-.
Pamphlet HQ1236.5. / A3. / A697 2014
Library of Congress Classification / Monograph
3ACKU000390905 3ACKU000392794 3ACKU000392786
Cover title. “October 2014”. “Afghanistan Public Policy Research Organization (APPRO) = موسسه مطالعات عامه افغانستان = دعامه خیرنو موسسه”—cover page.