[جای نشر مشخص نیست] : [ناشر مشخص نیست]، [بین سال های 1380 – 1390].
[111] صفحه : مصور ؛ 30 .سانتی متر
Summary: Afghan-Russian correspondence throughout 1919-2005. These include correspondence between King Amanullah and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and other correspondences through the reign of King Zahir to exchange between Hamid Karzai and Vladamir Putin.
Afghan-Russian correspondence throughout 1869-2005: Treaties, agreements and photos.
ACKU has collection of copies of archival documents relating to the development of Russian-Afghan relations (118 pegs). A letter from Amir Sher Ali Khan (1869) complains to Russia about being mistreated by the British and asks for help. Exchanges of expressions of friendship from King Amanullah (1919-1929) begin in1919 with his correspondence with Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, head of the Soviet state from 1917-1924, regarding the new Afghan Ambassador General Mohammad Wali. These letters of friendship continue down through the reign of King Zahir to Hamid Karzai and Vladamir Putin.
Initially artistically hand-written in graceful calligraphy, the documents mark the advent of the mundane typewriter. MoUs concerning commercial issues emphasize the importance of trade; those about the installation of radio and telegraph service, dutifully accompanied by teams of aid experts, make familiar reading, as does the document detailing the $3.5 million loan for the construction of the silo in 1957. A few news photos of visiting diplomatic and commercial missions are also included