Summary: "When Bamboo Bloom is a medical anthropologist̕s highly personal ethnographic chronicle of time spent as an aid worker and community outreach trainer in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. While managing to avoid notice by the Taliban herself, Patricia Omidian, an outsider but one who speaks a local language, exposes the searing realities of scarce access to education and health care alongside limited resources and personal loss in Kabul, Hazarajat, and Herat"—back cover.
9781577667001 157766700X
,Omidian, Patricia A.
Women anthropologists Biography. Afghanistan Women anthropologists Biography. United States Medical anthropology Afghanistan.
,Afghanistan -- Social conditions -- 20th century.
,Hazarajat (Afghanistan) -- Description and travel.
,Herat (Afghanistan) -- Description and travel.
,Afghanistan -- Social life and customs -- 20th century.