Contents: List of acronyms—Foreword—Executive summary—[01] Introduction—[02] Defining the challenge : gender parity, equality and equity—[03] Advancing gender equality : lessons from good practice—[04] Taking girls' education to scale—[05] 'Scaling up' : lessons and challenges—[06] 'Scaling up' gender equality in education : making the transition from girls' education.
Summary: This publication focuses on the key issues to address and strategies to put in place in order to meet international targets and national goals for universalizing girls' access to, retention in and completion of quality education. The right of all children to education that is free from discrimination and of a sufficient quality to enable their full participation in society has been a goal emphasized through all major modern universal rights treaties, and development discourses. In particular, the convention against discrimination in education, 1960, and the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW), 1979, have defined discrimination in many spheres, including education, as a violation of universal rights. The convention on the rights of the child, 1989, has made the promotion of free primary education and quality education and obligation for governments to respect for children and youth up to the age of 18 years—(p. 9).