Cover title.

“United Nations, Economic and social Council”—at head of title.

“Advance Unedited ; E



5”—at head of title.

“Distr.: general ; 24 January 2002 ; original: English”—cover page.

“Commission on the status of women ; forty-sixth session ; 4-15 March 2002 ; Item 3 (a) of the provisional agenda ; follow-up to the fourth world conference on women”—cover page.

Contents: I. Introduction—II. Developments prior to September 2001—III. Activities of UN entities—IV. Developments after September 2001—IV. Development after September 2001—V. Conclusion and recommendations.

Summary: “Pursuant to ECOSOC resolution 2001

3 of 24 July 2001, the present report provides an overview of the situation of women and girls in Afghanistan, with particular focus on the events since September 2001. The fall of the Taliban regime offers new opportunities for Afghan women and girls to regain their rightful position in society and become equal partners in peace-building and reconstruction for their country. The report contains factual information about activities undertaken by the United Nations system and the assistance community in support of Afghan women. It also includes action-oriented recommendations for further efforts”—cover page.
