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Environmental Impact Analysis of Pulp and Paper Production / Matthias Okoro.

By: Material type: TextTextLanguage: English Publication details: Germany: Grin Verlag, 2012.Description: [58] Pages: 21 cm. illustration, chartISBN:
  • 9783656758471
Subject(s): LOC classification:
  • TS1200  O45
Item type Current library Call number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
Environment Environment Afghanistan Centre at Kabul University Available 3ACKU000602127
Total holds: 0

“University of nigeria enugsu campus school of postgraduate studies center for environmental management and control (CEMAC), topic: environmental impact analysis of pulp and paper production, submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the course environmental chemistry, submitted by okoro Matthias joseph”.

Includes references.

Includes table of content, list of tables, list of plates.


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