1st August, 1991—(p. ii).

“A project of UNDP


Includes bibliographical references.

“A considerable portion of the plain of Kandahar is, in ordinary seasons, fertile and well cultivated. It can boast of rich meadows clothed with green turf, of gardens and orchards filled with fruit trees, of fields of corn, of barley, of Lucerne, and of clover, watered by numerous canals, conveying through a break in the hills the waters of the Arghand-ab, one of the tributaries of the Helmand”—(p. i).

Contents: Quotation—Preface—Map of Afghanistan—Map of provinces of Afghanistan by planning region—Map of Kandahar—Basic statistics – Kandahar province—I. Administrative and economic features—II. Population—III. Food supply—IV. Agriculture—V. Roads, transport and communication—VI. Other physical infrastructure—VII. Health—VIII. Education and training—IX. Resettlement needs.
