Findings of the Sixth Global Environment Outlook: Briefing, 6th Meeting of the Task Force on Access to Information Under Auspices of the UNECE Aarhus Convention / Pierre Boileau.
Boileau, Pierre.
[Place of publication not identified]: UN Environment, 2019.
23 unnamed pages: illustration, chart; [20 cm].
Global environmental change.
Environmental degradation.
Environmental degradation.
Environmental protection.
Environmental degradation.
Environmental degradation.
Environmental protection.
Pamphlet GE145 B65 2019
Library of Congress Classification / Environment
“UN Environment”—at head of title.
“Main report 146 authors, 78 members of advisory bodies, 41 review editors, more than 70 countries, 301 UN reviewers, more than 1,000 technical reviewers, 364 Intergovernmental reviewers, 5 review periods, 2 of which were intergovernmental reviews”.
“Summary for Policymakers: Negotiated in January, 2019, 95 countries, 250 participants, 4 days, 37 pages, summary plus ‘Key Messages”
Only the PDF copy is available in the library of ACKU.