[انشاء] /
خطاط میر کلان.
[هندوستان] : [1700-1799]. [ناشر مشخص نیست]،
2 صفحه ؛ 30 سانتی متر.
Calligraphy, Persian.
Persian poetry.
Persian poetry.
,خطاطی، فارسی.
,شعر فارسی.
رساله NK3639.P4 / الف / 85 / 1700
Library of Congress Classification / Monograph
عنوان به انگلیسی : Insha'
“This calligraphic fragment belongs to a series of 22 literary compositions or letters written by the calligraphers Mir Kalan, Khan Zaman (son of Khan Khanan), Qa'im Khan, Lutfallah Khan, and Mahabat Khan. Judging from the script (Indian Nasta'liq), a seal impression bearing the date 1113 AH/1701–2, and a letter mentioning the city of Jānpur in India, it appears that these writings were executed in India during the 18th century. The calligraphies are typically written a hasty Nasta'liq on white paper, framed in blue, and pasted to pink or salmon cardboard. They stand out for being in rather poor condition, in many cases badly damaged by worm holes and/or water stains. Some bear squiggle-like marks in the margins, while others include seal impressions that were cut out and pasted onto the cardboard. In most cases, an attribution to a calligrapher is written at the top, preceded by the expression "written by" or "the handwriting of." This fragment's recto includes an attribution note at the top stating that it was executed by Mir Kalan. An otherwise unrelated document, perhaps from a ledger or accounting book, was torn out and pasted above the calligraphic sample. It includes the words "inhabitant of Lucknow," lending further support to the supposed Indian provenance of these materials. In the lower-left corner appears a squiggle motif. The main text is executed in black ink on white paper framed in blue. The writer begins his letter with three bayts (verses) of poetry about the enthusiasm of seeing one's close friends. He then apologizes for having been busy with work and thus unable to visit his friend. He concludes his letter with another bayt of poetry. The verso of the fragment also includes an attribution note at the top stating that it was executed by Mir Kalan. The main text is executed in black ink on a beige piece of paper. The letter begins with a bayt of poetry that states the lover should not push him away, as he has not committed any sins. The letter proper follows, and is overwrought by metaphors that show the writer's friendship, love, and pain at separation. Truly, he warns, if he were to write just a fraction of his sadness in this letter, this piece of paper would burn to ashes. He concludes by stating that he cannot wait to see his friend in two or three days.”—library of congress
The Library of Congress donated copies of the digitized material (along with extensive bibliographic records) containing more than 163,000 pages of documents to ACKU, the collections that include thousands of historical, cultural, and scholarly materials dating from the early 1300s to the 1990s includes books, manuscripts, maps, photographs, newspapers and periodicals related to Afghanistan in Pushto, Dari, as well as in English, French, German, Russian and other European languages ACKU has a PDF copy of the item.
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