Opium poppy eradication : how to raise risk when there is nothing to lose? / David Mansfield and Adam Pain.

Mansfield, David.
Pain, Adam.
Kabul : Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU), 2006.
16 p. ; 30 cm.
(Briefing paper
Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU))
Opium poppy growers – Afghanistan.
Opium poppy – Afghanistan.
Opium trade – Economic aspects – Afghanistan.
Pamphlet SB 295 .O65 .M36 /2006/ + /PDF/(18.5KB)
Library of Congress Classification / Monograph
14097 20968
Caption title.
“August 2006”.
Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU)—at head of title.
Includes bibliographical references.
Contents: I. What is wrong with the eradication of poppy?—II. Comparative evidence on the effectiveness and impact of eradication—III. Does eradication increase the risk of opium poppy cultivation?—IV. Eradication in practice in Afghanistan—V. Where is eradication likely to raise the risk and opportunity cost of cultivating opium poppy?—Ways forward.