CDAP minutes of 13th programme management workshop / Comprehensive Disabled Afghans’ Program (CDAP).

Peshawar, Pakistan : Comprehensive Disabled Afghans’ Program (CDAP), [2000].
iii, 33 p. ; 30 cm.
People with disabilities – Afghanistan.
Disabled persons – Afghanistan.
Health surveys – Afghanistan.
Pamphlet HV 1559 .A34 .C66 /2000
Cover title.
Spiral bound.
Contents: List of abbreviations—1. Participants & agenda—2. Introduction—3. Summary of Kreftings’ 1st and 2nd consultancy reports—4. Discussion of Kreftings’ 2nd consultancy recommendations—5. CDAP budget situation—6. National workshops—7. Job descriptons—8. Women’s group formation—9. CDAP’s gender policy—10. Admin issues—11. Micro-credit—12. Health coordinator—13. Regional issues.