Afghanistan :

Katzman, Kenneth.
Kenneth Katzman.
Washington, D.C. : Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, 2005.
6 pages ; 30 cm.
Summary: “Presidential election in Afghanistan were held on October 9, 2005, with heavy turnout and minimal violence. Karzai was declared the winner on November 3, 2004 with about 55% of the vote. Parliamentary, provincial, and district elections were to be held in April-May 2005, but parliamentary and provincial elections are now to be held September 18, 2005; district elections are put off until 2006…”—cover page.
Elections – Afghanistan.
Elections – Afghanistan – History.
Political participation – Afghanistan.
Presidents – Afghanistan – Elections – 2004.
,Afghanistan – National assembly – Elections.
,Afghanistan – Politics and government – 2001.
Pamphlet JQ1769. / A5. / K893 2005
Library of Congress Classification / Monograph
Caption title.
“CRS report for Congress, received through the CRS web”—at head of title.
“Order code RS21922, updated April 8, 2005”—cover page.